Why immigration to Canada?
Porqué la inmigración a Canadá?
Pourquoi l'immigration au Canada?
"Why are you immigrating to Canada if you are already a US citizen?" is a question many others immigrating to Canada have asked me.
The short answer is Donald Trump. On election night in 2016, I decided to emigrate from the US. I had originally wanted to to immigrate to the UK because I have friends there, and we actually were joking about how I should leave the US if Trump gets elected, like a Trump refugee. After doing more research on Canada and Canadian immigration, and hearing about the string of terrorist attacks in the UK early in 2017, I decided in late March of 2017 to immigrate to Canada. One needs to live and work in the UK for 5 years before applying for permanent residence, while Canada has a relatively efficient Express Entry immigration system that can be done from outside Canada and usually lets one move over as a permanent resident within a year. Also, I really like the diversity of Canada and its more welcoming attitude toward immigrants, as well as its more progressive political climate. The UK is not as diverse and has its own anti-immigrant sentiments that were partly responsible for the Brexit vote.
Although my emigration journey started with the presidential election, I have found other personal reasons for immigrating to Canada. Trump's election reflects some deep problems in the US, with racism, sexism and bigotry alive and well. Most disturbing, Trump was democratically elected. He was not appointed. Enough people voted for him that he was elected. This speaks volumes about deep and long-standing problems in the US that have not been addressed enough. The white supremacist groups have been emboldened by Trump. His election reflects some legitimate problems of many people who have been neglected for too long. Many working class whites in rural areas and in declining industries have been unemployed and disillusioned for a while, and unfortunately previous governments have not done their part to help these people. They were great targets for a populist like Trump who came along and said he knows what they are going through, and it's not their fault, it's the fault of the immigrants and non whites and ugly women, and he is going to fight for these working class whites and make America great again! So they voted for Trump, the guy who paid attention to them and gave them scapegoats to blame for their problems.
There are also too many people in the US who just don't care. They are busy with their personal lives and don't bother to vote. These people also need to start caring and voting. However, I realize it is often easier said than done. A person barely getting by working long hours at survival jobs will just be worrying about day-to-day life. I do realize that I am privileged to have the opportunity to immigrate to Canada and think about ideology. I would like to take full advantage of this opportunity to create a better life for myself and try to do some activism from across the border.
Some people talk about impeaching Trump and ask me if I will move back to the US after Trump is impeached or no longer president. First of all, I am in Canada for good now. I plan to settle here permanently. As for impeaching Trump, that would be nice and appropriate if he does commit an impeachable offense. Before he was inaugurated, others have also urged electors to go rogue, i.e., vote not to elect him; in the US, the president is not directly elected. There is this complicated system called the electoral college. So-called electors actually vote and elect the president. They are supposed to vote according to how the people voted, but they technically they can still vote however they want.
Worst of all, the US is the only developed country without universal health coverage. One generally needs to be elderly, extremely poor, or working a lot at often unsatisfying corporate jobs in order to get affordable health insurance. I had been wanting to drop to working only part time or contract in my day job technology work and focusing on my performing arts career which has taken a remote backseat, but I had been too worried about losing health insurance, so for too long I had been unhappily tolerating a corporate job with long hours that was not a good match for me.
I have to protest publicly, to do something. My first step is immigrating to and starting my life in Canada. I would like to learn as much as possible first hand about the Canadian system and about Canadian society, the differences and similarities between the US and Canada, what works well and what does not, and propose ideas for reform in the US. While I think Canada will be the best place for me to settle permanently, I do not plan to renounce my US citizenship. My US background is an integral part of who I am that will not just disappear. The US is my original homeland, and I will always care about the US.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
"Porqué estás inmigrando a Canadá si ya estás un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos?" es una pregunta que muchas personas inmigrando a Canadá me preguntaron.
La respuesta corta es Donald Trump. Decidí emigrar de los EE.UU. en la noche de la elección presidencial. Originalmente quise emigrar al Reino Unido porque tengo amigos allí y bromeamos que debo dejar de los EE.UU. si Trump gana la elección presidencial, como un refugio de Trump. Después de investigar mas de Canadá y inmigración a Canadá, decidí en el final de marzo 2017 emigrar a Canadá. Hay que vivir y trabajar en el Reino Unido por 5 años antes de solicitar la residencia permanente en el Reino Unido, pero la programa de inmigración "Express Entry" (entrada rápida) de Canadá es relativamente eficaz. Se puede solicitar afuera de Canadá y conseguir la residencia permanente dentro de un año. Además, me gusta mucho la diversidad de Canadá y su actitud bienvenido de los inmigrantes y la política mas progresiva. El Reino Unido no es tan diverso y tiene el sentimiento contra de los inmigrantes que resultó en el voto de Brexit.
Aunque mi viaje de emigración comenzó por la elección presidencial, encontré mas razones personales por inmigrar a Canadá. La elección de Trump significa muchos problemas profundos como racismo y sexismo y intolerancia. Es muy preocupante que Trump fuera elegido democráticamente. No fue nombrado. Fue elegido porque bastante gente votó por el. Esto significa mucho de los problemas profundos de antiguo en los EE.UU. que no han estado abordados suficiente. Los supremacistas blancos se animan por Trump. Su elección refleja varios problemas legítimos de mucha gente que descuidaron por mucho tiempo. Muchas personas blancas de la clase trabajadora del campo han estado desempleadas y desilusionadas por mucho tiempo, y los gobiernos previos no las ayudaron. Fueron blancos buenos para un populista como Trump, quien los dijo que entiende cómo se sienten y son problemas no son por su culpa, pero son por la culpa de los inmigrantes y personas de color y mujeres feas, y Trump iba a luchar por las personas blancas de la clase trabajadora y hacer América gran de nuevo! Así que votaron por Trump, el hombre que los prestó atención y los dio chivos expiatorios por sus problemas.
Además, demasiado gente en los EE.UU. no se preocupa. Está ocupada con su vida diaria y no se preocupa votar. Estas personas necesitan preocuparse y votar, pero yo sé es mas fácil decir esto que hacer esto. Una persona de bajo ingreso trabajando mucho todos los días no puede preocuparse fuera de su vida diaria. Yo sé que tengo el privilegio de emigrar a Canadá y pensar en la ideología. Quisiera aprovechar esta oportunidad por crear una vida mejor para mí y hacer activismo al otro lado de la frontera.
Algunas personas hablan de iniciar un impeachment contra de Trump y me piden si voy a regresar a los EE.UU. cuando Trump no sea el presidente. Primero, estoy permanentemente en Canadá. Planeo establecerme aquí permanentemente. Sobre un impeachment contra de Trump, estaría bueno solamente si cometa un delito suficiente.
Lo peor es que los EE.UU. sea el solo país desarrollado sin asistencia médica para todos. Hay que estar viejo, muy pobre, o en trabajo empresarial muy agotador con largas horas para tener seguro médico asequible. Por mucho tiempo yo quería trabajar tiempo parcial o de contrato en mi trabajo principal en tecnología por progresar mi carrera de las artes escénicas, pero me preocupaba perder el seguro médico, así que por demasiado tiempo trabajaba en mi trabajo empresarial con largas horas que no me caía bien.
Tengo que protestar públicamente y hacer algo. Mi primero paso es inmigra y empezar mi vida en Canadá. Yo quisiera aprender de primera mano lo más posible del sistema y sociedad de Canadá, de las diferencias y similaridades entre los EE.UU. y Canadá, que es eficaz y no, y proponer ideas de la reforma en los EE.UU. Aunque creo que Canadá será el mejor país para establecerme permanentemente, no planeo renunciar mi ciudadanía de los EE.UU. Mi origen estadounidense es un parte integral de mí y no va a desaparecer. Los EE.UU. es mi patria original, y los EE.UU. siempre va a preocuparme.
The short answer is Donald Trump. On election night in 2016, I decided to emigrate from the US. I had originally wanted to to immigrate to the UK because I have friends there, and we actually were joking about how I should leave the US if Trump gets elected, like a Trump refugee. After doing more research on Canada and Canadian immigration, and hearing about the string of terrorist attacks in the UK early in 2017, I decided in late March of 2017 to immigrate to Canada. One needs to live and work in the UK for 5 years before applying for permanent residence, while Canada has a relatively efficient Express Entry immigration system that can be done from outside Canada and usually lets one move over as a permanent resident within a year. Also, I really like the diversity of Canada and its more welcoming attitude toward immigrants, as well as its more progressive political climate. The UK is not as diverse and has its own anti-immigrant sentiments that were partly responsible for the Brexit vote.
Although my emigration journey started with the presidential election, I have found other personal reasons for immigrating to Canada. Trump's election reflects some deep problems in the US, with racism, sexism and bigotry alive and well. Most disturbing, Trump was democratically elected. He was not appointed. Enough people voted for him that he was elected. This speaks volumes about deep and long-standing problems in the US that have not been addressed enough. The white supremacist groups have been emboldened by Trump. His election reflects some legitimate problems of many people who have been neglected for too long. Many working class whites in rural areas and in declining industries have been unemployed and disillusioned for a while, and unfortunately previous governments have not done their part to help these people. They were great targets for a populist like Trump who came along and said he knows what they are going through, and it's not their fault, it's the fault of the immigrants and non whites and ugly women, and he is going to fight for these working class whites and make America great again! So they voted for Trump, the guy who paid attention to them and gave them scapegoats to blame for their problems.
There are also too many people in the US who just don't care. They are busy with their personal lives and don't bother to vote. These people also need to start caring and voting. However, I realize it is often easier said than done. A person barely getting by working long hours at survival jobs will just be worrying about day-to-day life. I do realize that I am privileged to have the opportunity to immigrate to Canada and think about ideology. I would like to take full advantage of this opportunity to create a better life for myself and try to do some activism from across the border.
Some people talk about impeaching Trump and ask me if I will move back to the US after Trump is impeached or no longer president. First of all, I am in Canada for good now. I plan to settle here permanently. As for impeaching Trump, that would be nice and appropriate if he does commit an impeachable offense. Before he was inaugurated, others have also urged electors to go rogue, i.e., vote not to elect him; in the US, the president is not directly elected. There is this complicated system called the electoral college. So-called electors actually vote and elect the president. They are supposed to vote according to how the people voted, but they technically they can still vote however they want.
Worst of all, the US is the only developed country without universal health coverage. One generally needs to be elderly, extremely poor, or working a lot at often unsatisfying corporate jobs in order to get affordable health insurance. I had been wanting to drop to working only part time or contract in my day job technology work and focusing on my performing arts career which has taken a remote backseat, but I had been too worried about losing health insurance, so for too long I had been unhappily tolerating a corporate job with long hours that was not a good match for me.
I have to protest publicly, to do something. My first step is immigrating to and starting my life in Canada. I would like to learn as much as possible first hand about the Canadian system and about Canadian society, the differences and similarities between the US and Canada, what works well and what does not, and propose ideas for reform in the US. While I think Canada will be the best place for me to settle permanently, I do not plan to renounce my US citizenship. My US background is an integral part of who I am that will not just disappear. The US is my original homeland, and I will always care about the US.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
"Porqué estás inmigrando a Canadá si ya estás un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos?" es una pregunta que muchas personas inmigrando a Canadá me preguntaron.
La respuesta corta es Donald Trump. Decidí emigrar de los EE.UU. en la noche de la elección presidencial. Originalmente quise emigrar al Reino Unido porque tengo amigos allí y bromeamos que debo dejar de los EE.UU. si Trump gana la elección presidencial, como un refugio de Trump. Después de investigar mas de Canadá y inmigración a Canadá, decidí en el final de marzo 2017 emigrar a Canadá. Hay que vivir y trabajar en el Reino Unido por 5 años antes de solicitar la residencia permanente en el Reino Unido, pero la programa de inmigración "Express Entry" (entrada rápida) de Canadá es relativamente eficaz. Se puede solicitar afuera de Canadá y conseguir la residencia permanente dentro de un año. Además, me gusta mucho la diversidad de Canadá y su actitud bienvenido de los inmigrantes y la política mas progresiva. El Reino Unido no es tan diverso y tiene el sentimiento contra de los inmigrantes que resultó en el voto de Brexit.
Aunque mi viaje de emigración comenzó por la elección presidencial, encontré mas razones personales por inmigrar a Canadá. La elección de Trump significa muchos problemas profundos como racismo y sexismo y intolerancia. Es muy preocupante que Trump fuera elegido democráticamente. No fue nombrado. Fue elegido porque bastante gente votó por el. Esto significa mucho de los problemas profundos de antiguo en los EE.UU. que no han estado abordados suficiente. Los supremacistas blancos se animan por Trump. Su elección refleja varios problemas legítimos de mucha gente que descuidaron por mucho tiempo. Muchas personas blancas de la clase trabajadora del campo han estado desempleadas y desilusionadas por mucho tiempo, y los gobiernos previos no las ayudaron. Fueron blancos buenos para un populista como Trump, quien los dijo que entiende cómo se sienten y son problemas no son por su culpa, pero son por la culpa de los inmigrantes y personas de color y mujeres feas, y Trump iba a luchar por las personas blancas de la clase trabajadora y hacer América gran de nuevo! Así que votaron por Trump, el hombre que los prestó atención y los dio chivos expiatorios por sus problemas.
Además, demasiado gente en los EE.UU. no se preocupa. Está ocupada con su vida diaria y no se preocupa votar. Estas personas necesitan preocuparse y votar, pero yo sé es mas fácil decir esto que hacer esto. Una persona de bajo ingreso trabajando mucho todos los días no puede preocuparse fuera de su vida diaria. Yo sé que tengo el privilegio de emigrar a Canadá y pensar en la ideología. Quisiera aprovechar esta oportunidad por crear una vida mejor para mí y hacer activismo al otro lado de la frontera.
Algunas personas hablan de iniciar un impeachment contra de Trump y me piden si voy a regresar a los EE.UU. cuando Trump no sea el presidente. Primero, estoy permanentemente en Canadá. Planeo establecerme aquí permanentemente. Sobre un impeachment contra de Trump, estaría bueno solamente si cometa un delito suficiente.
Lo peor es que los EE.UU. sea el solo país desarrollado sin asistencia médica para todos. Hay que estar viejo, muy pobre, o en trabajo empresarial muy agotador con largas horas para tener seguro médico asequible. Por mucho tiempo yo quería trabajar tiempo parcial o de contrato en mi trabajo principal en tecnología por progresar mi carrera de las artes escénicas, pero me preocupaba perder el seguro médico, así que por demasiado tiempo trabajaba en mi trabajo empresarial con largas horas que no me caía bien.
Tengo que protestar públicamente y hacer algo. Mi primero paso es inmigra y empezar mi vida en Canadá. Yo quisiera aprender de primera mano lo más posible del sistema y sociedad de Canadá, de las diferencias y similaridades entre los EE.UU. y Canadá, que es eficaz y no, y proponer ideas de la reforma en los EE.UU. Aunque creo que Canadá será el mejor país para establecerme permanentemente, no planeo renunciar mi ciudadanía de los EE.UU. Mi origen estadounidense es un parte integral de mí y no va a desaparecer. Los EE.UU. es mi patria original, y los EE.UU. siempre va a preocuparme.
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