Roth IRA Election Letter
Date: Month, Day, Year
To: | Competent Authority Services Division |
International and Large Business Directorate | |
5th Floor, Canada Building | |
344 Slater Street | |
Ottawa, ON K1A 0L5 |
Name and address: Trump Refugee, 123 Street Name, City, Province, Postal Code
Social insurance number: xxx-xxx-xxx
Social security number: xxx-xx-xxxx
Date I became resident in Canada: Month, Day, Year
I elect to defer Canadian taxation under paragraph 7 of Article XVIII of the Canada-U.S. Income Tax Convention with respect to any income accrued in my Roth IRAs listed below for all taxation years until such time as a Canadian Contribution is made:
Name and address of Roth IRA trustee or custodian:
Date I became resident in Canada: Month, Day, Year
I elect to defer Canadian taxation under paragraph 7 of Article XVIII of the Canada-U.S. Income Tax Convention with respect to any income accrued in my Roth IRAs listed below for all taxation years until such time as a Canadian Contribution is made:
Name and address of Roth IRA trustee or custodian:
Firm 1 Name, Address, City, State, Zip, USA
Roth IRA account number: xxxxxxxx
Date plan was established: Month, Day, Year
Balance in Canadian $ of the Roth IRA as of the date I became resident in Canada: $xxxxxx
Amount and date of the first Canadian Contribution made to the Roth IRA: none
Roth IRA account number: xxxxxxxx
Date plan was established: Month, Day, Year
Balance in Canadian $ of the Roth IRA as of the date I became resident in Canada: $xxxxxx
Amount and date of the first Canadian Contribution made to the Roth IRA: none
Name and address of Roth IRA trustee or custodian:
Firm 2 Name, Address, City, State, Zip, USA
Roth IRA account number: xxxxxxxx
Date plan was established: Month, Day, Year
Balance in Canadian $ of the Roth IRA as of the date I became resident in Canada: $xxxxxx
Amount and date of the first Canadian Contribution made to the Roth IRA: none
Trump Refugee
Roth IRA account number: xxxxxxxx
Date plan was established: Month, Day, Year
Balance in Canadian $ of the Roth IRA as of the date I became resident in Canada: $xxxxxx
Amount and date of the first Canadian Contribution made to the Roth IRA: none
Trump Refugee
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